วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

French Politics - The Electoral System

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Penetrating the many layers of mystery surrounding the French political system and presidential elections can at times seem a daunting task for a Brit or an American whose own system is quite different from that of the French. For an American having grown up in a two-party system with party conventions, primary elections and an electoral college, the French multi-party framework where seemingly anyone can toss their hat into the ring presents a unique challenge. And the differences between the British parliamentary system, although a few similarities exist in the selection of the prime minister, are equally vast. With all eyes turned to the upcoming presidential elections and the political campaign that is now getting under way and with so much time devoted to the issue in the French print media and especially on the nightly news on TV, it might be well to take a look at just how the French electorate goes about selecting a new president.

France has a parliamentary political system that has been refined and changed repeatedly through the political upheaval of the French Revolution in 1789 and the five successive constitutions. The Fifth Republic was born in 1958 with the adoption of a new constitution that fit more precisely with the political agenda of Charles de Gaulle than the first post-war constitution of 1946. According to the 1958 constitution, France is a parliamentary democracy with both a president and a prime minister. The prime minister is appointed by the president but must be confirmed by the deputies in the General Assembly, which means that he or she is always from the majority party in the General Assembly, a situation similar to that in Great Britain. The president, on the other hand, is elected by direct universal suffrage (a constitutional amendment in 1962 established the direct election of the president). Presidential elections and legislative elections are never held on the same dates, as is the case in the United States.

There are a myriad of political parties in France, which can contribute to the perceived complexity of the electoral system in the eyes of citizens of other countries. Each party has the right to present a candidate for president (more on the various parties in forthcoming issues), which means that for the first round of elections there can be as many as 40 different candidates on the ballot. This first round of voting serves the same purpose in essence as the primary elections in the US, with a significant difference: should one candidate get more than 50% of the votes cast on the first round, he or she is declared the winner and a second round will not be necessary. The two top vote getters in the first round will then face each other in the second round, which is held two weeks after the first. In the seven elections since direct universal election of the president was instigated, it has never happened that a particular candidate won the election outright on the first round. It has almost always been a candidate from the left facing a candidate from the right - one notable exception was the complete surprise in 2002 when Jean-Marie Le Pen from the far-right Front National finished second to Jacques Chirac and ahead of the socialist candidate Lionel Jospin.

The current media frenzy in France involves the selection of the various candidates from the respective parties. There is considerable suspense on both the right and the left as to who will represent the major parties: Nicolas Sarkozy, the current minister of the interior and the first secretary of the reformed Gaullist party UMP is considered to be the strong front runner for that party's nomination. His only opposition could be the current prime minister Dominique de Villepin. Both men have ambitions to be president, but Sarkozy enjoys a far greater advantage in the public opinion polls. On the left, the suspense has been even greater, especially within the Socialist Party where Ségolène Royal has caused not only quite a stir within the party but something close to a revolution in French politics. She handily defeated the former prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin for the presidency of the Poitou-Charen-tes Region and has since rallied considerable support within the Socialist Party. Royal's declaration of her intention to be a candidate for the candidacy of the party was welcomed by her supporters, but it obviously irked several of the stalwarts within the party who, rightly or wrongly, felt it was their turn. The likes of Lionel Jospin, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK), Jack Lang and Laurent Fabius, who have since been labeled "Les Eléphants", were anything but subtle in their opposition to and criticism of Ségolène Royal. The result was also something quite new in French politics: an internal "primary" election to select the presidential candidate.

Jospin and Lang withdrew from the race leaving Royal, Strauss-Kahn and Fabius in contention for the nomination. Following a series of three televised debates, the "militants" of the Socialist Party voted for their presidential candidate in the first of two scheduled rounds on November 16th (a second round, if necessary, on November 23rd). In spite of polls showing DSK closing ranks on Royal, the results have been characterized as a "tidal wave" victory for Ségolène Royal. With 60.62% of the votes cast, she won the nomination on the first round. DSK received 20.83% and Fabius 18.54%. With Ségolène Royal's overwhelming win of the party's nomination, she will not, however, be the first woman candidate for the presidency, but, according to the polls, she is the first woman with a strong chance of actually becoming the president of France and the most likely person of either sex to be able to defeat Nicolas Sarkozy, the likely candidate from the right.

Roger Stevenson is a professor of French language and literature in the United States for 30 years with six years of experience in directing study-abroad programmes in France.

He now works as a journalist for French Accent Magazine, an e-Magazine for expats in France, Francophiles and French students.


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วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Earthquake in Haiti (January 12, 2010)

Tracy Reines, Director of Response Operations for the American Red Cross, discusses the latest for the disaster response to Haiti as of 11 PM EST on Tuesday night. For more information on how your can help, visit www.redcross.org. You can help the victims of countless crises around the world each year by making a financial gift to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, which will provide immediate relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need. Donations to the International Response Fund can be sent to the American Red Cross, PO Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013 or made by phone at 1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish) or online at www.redcross.org. We are not accepting volunteers to travel to Haiti. If you would like to volunteer for the American Red Cross, please contact your local chapter. For inquiries about relatives living and who have citizenship in Haiti, please be patient and call repeatedly until the lines clear or contact other family members who live nearby. Telephone, Internet and other communication lines are often disrupted in times of disaster. People trying to locate US citizens living or traveling in Haiti should contact the US Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1-888-407-4747 or 202-647-5225.


terrorist news update

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Five Factors Causing Global Food Shortages

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Currently, there is a food shortage of massive proportions sweeping the globe. This food shortage will affect residents of poor and less-developed countries first, but the effects will trickle down to even the most highly developed countries quickly. The food shortage is not as much of a shortage due to decreased production as a shortage caused by price increases.

Residents of countries that consume a higher proportion of processed foods to unprocessed foods can weather the storm more easily than people whose diets consist mostly of unprocessed basics. That is because people consuming many processes foods can switch to buying basics, saving money and remaining able to pay for their food. Those whose diet consists of basics such as fresh fruits, vegetables and grains, have nowhere to go, except hungry.

This food shortage is the result of many different factors-including the aforementioned price increases. There are five main factors contributing to the global food shortage which is rapidly devolving into a global food crisis

Five Factors Contributing to the Global Food Crisis

1) Rising Fertilizer Costs

Farmers in the poorest nations cannot afford fertilizer for their crops. Their land is so depleted of nutrients that they cannot effectively raise food without fertilizer. Fertilizer prices are rising because synthetic fertilizer is produced using oil-based energy sources, the price of which is rising steadily and quickly.

2) Subsidies for Production of Bio-fuels

Biofuels are produced with the same ingredients of food. Agricultural subsidies spent toward biofuel production are monies not spent on food production and distribution. While not the only cause, biofuel subsidies are a concern because they take money away from food production subsidies and biofuel production still requires use of fertilizers, which are produced using energy from conventional fossil fuels.

3) Poor Distribution Systems

Donating food to developing countries is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provides necessary nutrients to sometimes starving populations. On the other hand, free food delivered to hungry countries contributes to price collapses for local food producers, taking away the incentive to produce food locally.

4) Unchecked Population Growth

Population growth is a vicious cycle-especially in developing nations. Families need help farming crops, so they have more children, translating into more bodies to help-and more mouths to feed. Additionally, birth control measures are less available in developing countries, contributing to the fast population growth.

5) Drought

All over the world, drought in top-food producing regions is reducing food production and driving prices higher. Drought across major food producing regions of the United States, including the southeast, Midwest and western regions is increasing food prices. Drought in regions of the African continent and in Australia is making it impossible to grow food-because there is no water to buy and no money to buy it.

Other factors, including political relationships, are contributing to the global food emergency. The five listed above are the main factors, in large part because they are either factors out of control of humans (we can't control the weather), or because they are due to lack of research into energy and alternative fuel sources.

Christopher A. Williams (aka Natural Fertilizer Guy) edits the website: http://www.safe-fertilizer-reviews.com

The website contains articles about natural fertilizers and seaweed based fertilizers, as well as general natural gardening tips.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

We Are The World 25 For Haiti

we are the world 25 for haiti it is amazing help haiti donat as much as you can to red cross please thanxx!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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วันพุธที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Haiti Earthquake 2010

Please Pray Everyone. For those who want to do more please visit Redcross.org or Text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross International Response Fund.


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วันอังคารที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Haitian Earthquake Relief...The MOBOVISION Give

Please help Haiti by donating to the Salem Haitian Pentecostal Church. We are raising money and will be giving it to the Susquehanna Valley Red Cross. Please there is little help for this small nation and it our time to make a choice and decision to change and help Haiti bounce back from this devastating natural disaster. Contact us: 153 Tabor Rd New Holland, Pa 17557 Number: 717.351.0367 Donate online at the Red Cross at: sqvalleyredcross.org Contact Mobovision at: E-mail: mobovision@gmail.com Telephone: 717.824.6498 Please help us give to Haiti.


terrorist news update

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Why We Should Study History?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

What does passion mean to most of us? Is there something that rouses your soul and take your emotions to another, a deeper level? I have realised that there is something that I am passionate about.

Deep down I contemplate myself as a little scholar because I find myself watching, reading, and browsing about "history". I am passionate about History; be it Greek, Roman, Indian or any other. I see myself constantly exploring channels or books in shops or the library to take away. This fascination leads to such an extent that whenever a program is on TV about history I particularly get ecstatic and put my feet up to view it.

When ever one talks about history it is usually referred to as something that was either read in a book or taught at school. But history is more than that; History is the model of our past, a tale of mankind. People of most cultures went to great strengths to record their history either by writing it down on what ever they could or even by word of mouth. It is believed that the natives of Australia managed to cling to their history using this oral tradition for centuries. Today history of course requires resources from a number of interdisciplinary orders ranging from mathematicians, chemists, sociologists, geologists to representative of nearly all life science disciplines.

The reason why history is essential and why we should all be passionate about is that history is the account of mankind and not a mere date, dead people, a storyline or a plot of events and places. It is importance to our society as history facilitates our understanding of people and societies. As the past created the present, history ameliorates our understanding of that change and how the civilisation and the world we live in came to exist. History is important so that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

S. Singh is a passionate historian from BIHAR.

terrorist news update

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Humanity Unite Brilliance (HUB) - Love in Action

Image : http://www.flickr.com

I was fortunate to attend the recent Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) Actioning Your Brilliance live event. As words are inadequate to describe our experience, here is a more poetic expression that may offer you a taste of what was real for us.

We have been called out by master teacher and Social Artist Jean Houston to be the "Evokoters" - the mid-wives of the soul. More than just another "how to" session, we learned evolutionary practices for creating a world that works for everyone. Through archetypal embodiment, we were invited to be a part of the story and recognize the characters as ourselves. We scored our own music, dancing the dream awake, meeting our Inteleky (higher self) and allowing our brilliance to be received from it's reflection. Moving away of linear left brain into creative right brain expression, we used the language of Glasarania (Gibberish) to awaken our creativity and become the Sacred Actor and Holy Fool, discovering a whole new way of communicating and creating.

We have shaken off the "gunk" of ego with Dr. Sue Morter. We cried tears of joy when we felt the density dissolve, and the lightness of Unconditional Love flowing more freely inwards and outwards through the layers of our being. We have felt even the fear of death drop away when we really knew the indestructibility of the beings of love and light that we really are. We giggled when we saw that our challenges, like an obstacle course we have designed for ourselves, now allow us to become who we were born to be. We laughed when we knew that "it's hard, until it isn't"

And we have seen through the evolutionary eyes of Barbara Marx Hubbard, that we ARE the imaginal cells in the caterpillar that envisions the butterfly it will become. We have experienced, in spite of the old and difficult "evolutionary drivers", the hope and excitement of being among the early forms of a new species of human emerging that is moving, like the Universe itself, towards greater synergy and greater intelligence. And we were pleased to know that it's not that we are bad or wrong, but just mistaken. We have been using a faulty operating manual and we now have the opportunity to use a new one, in greater alignment with Truth.

And we have cried tears of grief with the "Angels in the Dust" film, confronting the worlds most unconscious, darkest shadow reflected in the AIDS crisis in Africa. And with Lynne Twist, Jack Canfield and the Pachamama Alliance we have squarely faced the environmental crisis facing our fragile planet. And we have felt the sadness of our own participation in the unconsciousness of our consumer culture. We have been humbled to see our own myopic focus on ourselves, while ignoring our roles as stewards of the earth. We have recommitted to living more responsibly as those planetary stewards. We have come through the darkness to see the light of what is possible for our planet and have seen the emerging vision of a world in balance and harmony. We have been called to being "hospice to the old", while being "midwife to the new", both requiring our loving attention. Later, we raised $280,000 for Pachamama with a generous $100,000 matching pledge from Jack Canfield. Wow!

We have celebrated the national launch of HUB in the US AND Canada with moving words from Charlie Gay and good news from Brandon Barnum. And we have danced until we were drenched in sweat, (especially Brandon). And spun and leaped and shook off the last remaining hard edges.

We learned from Fen Shui master Marie Diamond how important our working and living environment is in supporting our vision. And while action is important, more important is stating clearly what we want and asking for it, and then opening to receive.

Lastly, we learned from master learner Paul Scheele how our mind works and does not work to process and store information. We learned how the reptilian and mammalian minds work better when relaxed and content than when stressed out and fearful. And how the simple act of breathing can help. We found through a profound exercise in perception and refection, how easy it is to completely miss the beauty all around us and how equally easy it is to take it in when we stop and pay attention.

Throughout the event, we have known and felt our Oneness, not as a concept or metaphor but as the actual truth of our experience. We have looked into each others eyes and seen our own sweet divine selves smiling back at us. We have felt the inseparable connection of being individual cells in the body of God. We have held the hand of the being next to us and known that we were touching Spirit. And we have polished each others mirrors so that our brilliance is more clearly reflected in the world.

We have come to see that HUB is so much more than humanitarian aid or personal development. It is absolutely at the center (hub) of the multi-faceted 12 sided wheel that is allowing the new social and spiritual vehicle to roll down the road to the emerging New World. And as we develop, strengthen and lubricate that wheel, we will go faster and farther down that road. HUB will be a pivotal convergence of new thought and environmental and humanitarian efforts for the evolutionary leap into the next phase of the human journey. We can all be pleased and proud to be among the founding members and to be evangelists for the message of true hope and love and sustained abundance for all peoples that HUB represents.

Humanity Unites Brilliance is rocking my world and THE world in a powerful and positive way. I am grateful to be onboard. For a taste of HUB's Love in Action, watch the video linked below.

Wayne Marshall

Wayne runs a web consulting and internet marketing business from his beautiful home in Santa Barbara, CA. He is proud to be a founding member of HUB. You can watch a moving and beautiful video on HUB by visiting Humanity Unites Brilliance.

terrorist news update

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Iraq War - Its Impact on Muslims

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Muslims and Christians have a history of conflict. During last few decades when USA was sought by the nations of Middle East it was thought that the conflicts will reduce. But USA's total support for Israel has made US a suspect in the eyes of Muslims around the world. What impact has the Iraq war had on Muslims around the world?

The war on Iraq was started with the stated purpose of finding WMDs. It ended with death of Saddam Hussein. After that the USA decided to have democracy in Iraq. But did not know how to do this. Can one export democracy? USA tried that. It is still trying that. But it is only resulting in war between Shias and Sunnis. As a result both Shias and Sunnis around the world are blaming the USA for deaths of Muslims. USA is getting known as an enemy of Muslims for no good reason.

Muslims all around the world have loyalties that cross the nation boundaries. Muslims empathize with each other. They call for Jihad and are ready to kill those they believe are destroying Islam. Why educated Muslims should confuse about the west is always an enigma for me. What they want from west is unknown to me. If you ask Muslims about what exactly they want from others, you may get confused answers. The right path should be to live peacefully with others. But because some of them believe that west wants to destroy Islam they are waging war.

The correct idea should be for the USA to make a council of Muslim nations and ask them to solve the whole problem in Iraq. But that is easier said then done. The common Muslim thinks differently than the rulers. The rulers around Islamic countries also do not want to dabble in Iraq. Whether the new president can create peace in Iraq will be worth watching. It looks difficult.

The author writes text messages and advises and consults for social networking content for myspace comments and myspace graphics.

terrorist news update

วันพุธที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Air, Rail and Sea Freight Rally Together to Help Deliver Hope to Haiti

Image : http://www.flickr.com

When natural disaster strikes, it is highly humbling how nations can pull their resources together and helps those in need. After the Haiti disaster, the world called in whatever help they could find in order to try and acquire international aid in an area that was devastated by an unseemly earthquake. One industry that has stepped up to the plate and offered their transport aid is the international freight industry. The air, sea and rail freight sectors have lent a helping hand as well as their resources to assist in transporting aid to the grief stricken country.

The help of this industry is imperative as their resources are amongst the best as they can transport large amounts of medical equipment, food and other important aid to this area and therefore commence the action of rebuilding a place that has been destroyed. A shipping line that has offered their help is the international company Maersk. After the news of Haiti hit, this company set up their own disaster relief team that encouraged their staff to donate and contribute. Maersk international offered their free shipping freight services for any humanitarian aid shipments as well as transported their own and their customer's donations to Haiti in association with the organisation World Food Programme. Another shipping line that has donated their services is the Antillean Marine Shipping Corporation. They have generously sent their larger freight ships to the area that are filled to the brim with over 1000 tonnes of food for the victims.

The sea freight industry is not the only helpers in this kind of unfortunate situation, the air freight sector is taking to the area to show their support and help those in need. Large international corporations as well as smaller air freight companies have shown that they care by transporting cargo such as medical aid kits to the area where many are critically hurt and disease is rife. These freights have not only transported cargo but also doctors and helpers who need to enter the emergency area as soon as possible.

In a surprise gesture, Somali pirates have offered their help to Haiti by sending aid. This has not yet happened according to current reports so we will wait and see what will happen in terms of their help.

We all know that the Haiti earthquake is not the only natural disaster at that has affected the population at present and the freight industry have not forgotten about other countries in the world that are facing highly dangerous natural disasters. By sending international aid to those in need, this industry is showing that anyone can assist even without a monetary donation, all you have to do is be willing to help.

Lauren Potgieter wrote this article for Trade Ocean and their air freight and sea freight services

terrorist news update

วันอังคารที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Red Cross Hygiene Promotion and Psychosocial Activities with Kids

Just outside of Port-au-Prince, Red Cross volunteers use games and activities to illustrate important health and hygiene practices to hundreds of Haitian kids. Psychosocial activities such as drawing and coloring and singing also boost morale of the young people and provide a sense of normalcy and play during this vulnerable time.


terrorist news update

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Haitian Relief via Audio-Bibles?

audio-bibles...just another way that religion is using science to kill science... if you're really interested in helping haiti, donate to the red cross, or some other reputable organization, and tell these people to shove their 'proclaimers' up their asses...sideways... my main channel: www.youtube.com my site: www.c0ct0pus.com


terrorist news update

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Craig on Haiti

Craig Ferguson Takes High Road. Talks Aid For Haiti Instead Of Late Night Wars. Also challenges Rush Limbaugh to donate $1000000 to the American Red Cross. DONATE DIRECTLY TO THE REDCROSS!!! WWW.REDCROSS.ORG 1-800-RED-CROSS (what the heck?!? how did they manage to get 8 digit 800 number) TEXT HAITI TO 90999


terrorist news update

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Chat About Roast Beijing Duck and Chinese History For Beijing 2008 Olympics

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Many friends of ours who have grown up in Western countries are attracted by the mystic colors of the Eastern countries. China, with her ancient civilization, is by far the most enchanting of all countries in the Eastern world. For this reason, the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony are bound to make audiences all over the world carried away by the inscrutable and yet colorful culture of China. During the period of the Beijing Olympics you will certainly like to have a more complete understanding of the culture of China. For satisfying your desire to grasp Chinese culture, SANLIDA Co. has specifically prepared for you the special column entitled The Beijing Olympics and Chinese Culture.

Both roast Beijing duck (Peking Duck) and American roast turkey originated from the roast goose of the Mediterranean regions. Birds were the aid and gift that God gave man. But man likes to eat only those birds that are big and fleshy. The goose is a fleshy fowl and is also the special product of the Mediterranean regions. When it is roasted for food, its meat is delicious and tender. Therefore, roast goose is a traditional dish in Europe and is widely recognized as a delicacy.

When European arrived in America, they found that the bird which God gave them as a gift this time was the turkey. So they ate roast turkey and offered thanks to God. After learning of the origin of roast turkey you would find it easier to accept as true the following story about roast duck. The roast goose of the Western world may be considered in a sense the progenitor of the roast duck of China. The technique of roasting the goose was twice passed on to China---once during the Yuan Dynasty, when China was ruled by Mongols, and later again during the Qin Dynasty, when China was under the rule of the Manchurian conquerors. The Mongolian Empire occupied an enormous territory extending from the east of China westward to the regions of the Mediterranean Sea. This was the reason why people of the Western world, such as Marco Polo, could have come to China. They brought to China quite a lot of the culture of the Western world, including the cannon and the roast goose. How did it come about that roast goose was transformed into roast duck? The cause of the transformation was no different from that of the transformation of roast goose into roast turkey.

Chinese people began to domesticate wild duck two thousand years ago, but European people did not do that. Instead, they domesticated the goose very early. As China had specialized in producing duck for thousands of years, this fowl became a special product of the country and was preferred by Chinese people to the goose, which was generally not in favor. Furthermore, the duck used for producing roast duck was of an excellent species bred painstakingly by Chinese over a long period of time. The scientific name of the species is Beijing duck. It was imported by the United States in the year 1874 under the name of Peking duck, and thereafter it came to be spread all over the world. Nevertheless, the duck of this species being bred in China now is still reputed to be the best.

The method used at first in China for roasting a duck was almost the same as that used in the Western world for roasting a goose. It was called "roasting duck in the hermetic oven". As a matter of fact, its main features were essentially those that characterized the Western mode of preparation of roast goose. An oven was built by laying stones or bricks. A fire was made to burn inside the oven, so that a large amount of heat was absorbed by the walls of the oven, and the duck placed in the oven later was roasted by the heat dissipated by the walls until it was well cooked.

Near the end of the Qing Dynasty, the method for roasting duck underwent a change. The hermetic oven was replaced by the pendent oven. In other words, roasting in a hermetic oven came to be combined with roasting over burning fire. The body of the duck was smeared with honey and then hung for roasting, so that not only the roasted duck would have the aroma imparted to it by the burning log, but the high temperature characteristic of the hermetic oven could also be attained.

During that period, Chinese people made a far-reaching innovation in the duck-roasting process. They did away with disembowelment of the duck. Only a small hole was bored in the body for removal of the viscera. Air was forced under high pressure into the space between the skin and the flesh so that the two became separated from each other. Then the duck body was smeared with maltose syrup and left to dry in a cool place. The whole duck would become almost crimson in color, as if it had been painted with red lacquer. Therefore, roast Beijing duck came to be called jokingly by some foreigners the "lacquered duck".

With regard to details, it should be noted that before the duck is put in the oven its chest is to be filled with boiling water and the hole closed by being tied up with a piece of string. The boiling water is to be discharged only after the roasting process has come to an end. This seemingly trivial modification has several advantages. First, the duck will not lose water when being roasted. Second, the water will keep the chest of the duck swollen so that the skin will not shrink and will not become softened by the roasting, with the result that the duck skin will be thin and crisp and become the most delicious part of the roast duck. Having been roasted in this way, the duck will be golden and lustrous, its surface will be crisp and fragrant, and its meat will be very tender with a peculiar flavor.

The fuel of the oven is hard wood taken from such trees as jujube (Chinese date), peach and pear, because such fuel burns with little smoke and emits fragrance, and the fire is not too vehement. Every duck will be slightly seared on the surface after being roasted for about 40 minutes, but its interior will remain soft and tender and the meat will be rich and full. Then, how are you going to help yourself to the roast duck? The procedure is simple. The roast duck will be brought to the table in a large plate after being cut into thin slices with a sharp knife. This dish will be accompanied by another dish full of baked pancakes and other accessories. You need only smear a pancake with the sweet sauce made of fermented flour and put some scallion and mashed garlic on it together with a slice of the roast duck and roll up the pancake. When you are eating the roll you will find that the taste is exquisite as is the sweet smell that accompanies it. A roast duck weighing 2 kilograms can yield more than 100 slices of meat of the shape and size of a leaf of clove, and the meat is crisp, tender and fragrant with a special flavor.

Epicures contend that roast duck is most palatable in three seasons, namely winter, spring and autumn. The reason is that the flesh of Beijing duck is full and tender during winter and spring. In the fall the sky is clear and seems higher as a result, the air is refreshing, and both the temperature and humidity are appropriate for making roast duck. What is more, duck are generally fat and stout at that time.

August is the time when air is crisp and temperate for the season. It is the proper occasion for tasting roast Beijing duck. How can you count yourself as one who has been to Beijing if you have not eaten any roast Beijing duck? Therefore, don't miss the opportunity of tasting this "delicacy in the land under heaven", as the Chinese call it, when you come to watch or take part in the Beijing Olympics.

Please go to our web to read "Beijing Olympics and Chinese culture special column"

If you like to know more about Chinese food culture, please read my Chinese culture special column: Chinese culture and

Chinese table manners

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วันศุกร์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Santa Clarita Rotary Club to Go to The Rotary International Convention in Los Angeles in June, 2008

The Santa Clarita Rotary Club in California is very happy right now. That is because we will be having our Rotary International convention in Los Angeles next summer, in June of 2008. Santa Clarita is about 30 miles, or 48 kilometers, north of Los Angeles. The traffic is pretty heavy but it is still fairly close to us. The Rotary International convention hasn't been held in Los Angeles for more than forty years.

The Rotary International convention will be an opportunity for the Rotarians in Santa Clarita and throughout southern California to meet other Rotarians from around the world. I have signed up to host someone, which means that I will spend an evening with two or three Rotarians and show them some sites that I think they will find to be very special.

I may drive them through Hollywood and let them see the view from above the Magic Castle, a famous spot for magicians and other performers. I will most likely take them to the beach in Santa Monica so that they can get close to the Pacific Ocean. I have lots of time between now and the time of the convention to decide where to take them. I am proud of Los Angeles and its history and I can't wait for this opportunity.

Many of us from the Santa Clarita Rotary club will also be going to the Hollywood Bowl with thousands of other Rotarians on one of the nights. There will be lunches and dinners and other events where we can meet with people that travel once a year to wherever the convention is being held.

This is my first international convention because I am a new Rotarian. I will accept this opportunity to host others with whom I now have a common bond of giving "service above self".

Find out more about the Santa Clarita Rotary club at http://www.AdventuresoftheSCVRotaryBell.com or learn more about Rotary International at http://www.Rotary.org

terrorist news update

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Education to Become a Fundamental Right in India

It is heartening to note that education is to become a Fundamental Right in India for the children between the age group of 6 and 14 living in India. Recently the Indian cabinet took a unanimous decision to that effect. The decision will have far reaching consequences in the Indian society.

Hitherto education has been in the category of Directive Principles of State Policy and one of the welfare measures to be taken by the Indian Government to achieve the Welfare State Ideal. However, it was not a right but only an ideal to be achieved. Hence, a child who has no opportunity for education could not claim it as a matter of right in a court of law. In other words, by the inclusion of education as the directive principles of state policy, it was not justiciable, which means a child cannot go to court pleading that he or she has no opportunity for education.

Any child who is born in India by virtue of its birth becomes the citizen of India. By becoming a citizen of India,now the child is automatically entitled to enjoy the 'Fundamental Right of Education'. A child, who is in the age group of between 6 and 14 and who has no opportunity for education, can now get his or her grievances redressed through a court of law, because education as a Fundamental Right becomes justiciable.

By virtue of making education as a Fundamental Right, it creates yet another direct impact on the existing social malady called 'the Child Labor' While enforcing education as a Fundamental Right for children between the age group of 6 and 14, the child labor will naturally and gradually have its own demise.

Further the gender bias that prevails in the rural India, robbing educational opportunities to thousands of girl children will also have a check and one can hope more and more number of rural girl children will have an opportunity for education. Similarly dropouts from school by the rural children in the above age group, on social and economical grounds will also considerably or significantly get reduced or even wiped out.

When education becomes a Fundamental Right, both the Central and State Governments will allocate more funds to implement education as a Fundamental Right, besides establishing more schools and recruiting more teachers to educate children between the age group of 6 and 14.

With its newly found status as a growing world power, the Indian Government has taken a right step, in the right direction, in the right moment. Kudos to Indian Government!

1.The Hindu (daily)

2.Deccan Chronicle (Daily)

terrorist news update

วันพุธที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Another Woman Petitions Costa Rica For Refugee Status

I have written recently in my blog about the case of Cher Lyn Tomayko. She had for years been on the FBI's most wanted list for abducting her child and bringing her to Costa Rica against a court order that the child remain in the U.S. Recently Costa Rica granted her refugee status in the face of U.S. demands for her extradition. Now another women has asked for the same protection. Her name is Nicole Elise Kater of 28 years. She is claiming that she fled to Costa Rica with the child (against court order) to flee from aggression and strange sexual practices of her boyfriend (and father of the child), John F. Gehl. She is currently being held at the prison Buen Pastor, pending a decision on her extradition. Like Tomayko, she is asking for refugee status that would allow her to remain in Costa Rica with the child. Like the father of Cher's child, the father is claiming that there was no aggression nor strange sexual behavior that might warrant such status.

I took the position in my previous blog post re the case of Cher Lyn Tomayko in favor of Costa Rica's decision to grant refugee status. I did so on principle only, accepting as fact that in Cher's case there was abuse that warranted her fleeing to Costa Rica I still support the concept that Costa Rica would rightly grant such status in cases where there is an investigation with hard proof that abuse has taken place. In several comments, I was taken to task by the older daughter of Cher's former boyfriend and father of the child Cher brought to Costa Rica The young lady informed me in no uncertain terms that her father is completely innocent of abuse. I am not going to argue the case with someone who is certainly much closer to the factual situation than I could ever be. I will say that I am uncomfortable with this present lady seemingly trying to "ride the coattails" of the Tomayko decision. Maybe what she is saying is true. However, Costa Rica needs to take a good and hard look into the facts of the case before granting any such status again. Otherwise, they are opening the floodgates for such requests and some are surely going to lack legitimacy.

It should of course go without saying that women deserve respect. The current nomination of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential running mate with John McCain on the Republican ticket and her incredible performance at the Republican Convention last night, confirms that not only do they deserve respect, but they are quite capable of earning it in the face of vehement and vulgar attempts at the opposite. In cases where there is clear abuse and yet a U.S. court is trying to intimidate Costa Rica into ceding to its demands (as it seemed the case with Cher Tomayko) then Costa Rica is right in protecting human dignity by granting such protective status and respecting the right of a woman to live with her child free from abuse, whether it be pychological or physical. However, Costa Rica must also be careful to weigh the facts of such cases and not just give the benefit of the doubt to whatever claims are being raised to support the request for refugee status. It is a fine line to walk and Costa Rica needs to proceed very careful with this and any other future cases.

I am Scott Bowers (alias, Costa Rica Guy) and I own and operate Package Costa Rica in San Jose, Costa Rica. I live in Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica. Package Costa Rica is a travel and real estate consulting company and arranges complete travel packages to Costa Rica for leisure or investment. Please visit our web site. http://www.packagecostarica.com/

I am also the author of a Costa Rica Informational Blog known as Tiquicia - [http://tiquicia.typepad.com/my_weblog/]

Email me anytime for information about Costa Rica.

terrorist news update

วันอังคารที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Smart City Kochi

The state of Kerala has been switching between rule by the left parties and the Congress-led parties, every five years , almost as a ritual. While political pundits call it the 'Anti-incumbency factor', in reality we know that the people of Kerala, with a much-vaunted high literacy rate, think, talk, eat and breathe politics. This extreme political awareness influences their political mandates too.

This frequent power changes has left the state of Kerala without any significant advances in the areas of industrial development and information technology. The state is notorious for its frequent labour issues and the dreaded 'strikes'. Six decades after the British had left our shores, Kerala remains deeply mired in a work ethics that deters industrial growth.

While the states like Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat,Haryana and many other states boarded the bandwagon of Information Technology and welcomed multi-national enterprises with open arms, Kerala adopted a arrogant attitude and shut out these enterprises .

It was after the passage of precious time, that it dawned on the Kerala administration that the rising unemployment issues and the lack of industrial development could be tackled only if drastic political ideology changes were adopted .

In the year 2003, the then Congress-led Government brought out a mega-plan to build a Technology Park which would house IT-enabled Services, Media services and Biotechnology institutions in Kochi, the commercial capital of the state.

This would be carried out with total private enterprise participation with the government chipping in with land at a fair price and all other infrastructural facilities like power,water and other revenue sops. In return the private investor would offer employment to the qualified young professionals of the state, thereby alleviating the unemployment issues.

The Dubai Internet City, infrastructure builders and service providers, was duly invited to work out the project details and sign an MOU with the Government. Meanwhile the entire project almost became a non-starter with a lot of heat being brought to bear on the government with the opposition parties, envrionmentalists and other s raising a hue and cry over how the resources of the state would be looted and the green environment totally ravaged.

After a torrid time of heated arguments and a change of government, the MOU was finally signed with the Dubai Internet City. The Smart City at Kochi would be built in the 1000 acres of land near the government-owned Info Park on the outskirts of the city. With the built-up space exceeding 8.8million square ft in total with 6.2million Sq.Ft for IT industries alone, the Smart City at Kochi would become one of the largest Technology Parks in India.

With the uncertainties about the project out of the way, the DIC team visited the proposed land and expressed satisfaction. The Smart City at Kochi will be an extension of the Dubai Internet City in Dubai. A self-contained campus with residential buildings, schools and an entertainment complex, the Smart City will facilitate the functioning of information and communication technology companies. The Smart City will operate just like the DIC, which offers foreign companies 100 per cent tax-free ownership, 100 per cent repatriation of capital and profits, no currency restrictions, easy registration and licensing, stringent cyber regulations, protection of intellectual property.

When commissioned, the Smart City Project would put the State of Kerala on the IT map of the world and free the state from the self-imposed prison of outdated ideology and impractical practices.

PKP Iyer ,Java Development India
Java Development India is premium Java development Services provider in India

terrorist news update

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

This Senseless World In Which We Live - Burma's Prayer & Austria's Fritzl Fracas Cruder Than Oil

How many times have we all said at some time, I wonder what tomorrow will bring, well not wanting to burst your bubble but exactly the same as it did yesterday, the day before that and so on unless you do something about it. Stop procrastinating, think positive and go on to change matters which hold you back from having a life that is more settled than it is at present. One of the reasons why people hold back from bettering them self boils down to that of them self. If people continue to think this way then realistically there is no hope in ever getting what you so greatly deserve.

We have over the years seen so many sad events happen in the world that has us thinking is it worth changing if no one else is prepared to do the same. Because we live in a world full of mad people who full of hatred murder and maim, abduct and terrorize is more the reason for change. Should you prosper throughout the course of change it can leave you in position to help those less fortunate. Would`'t the world be a lovely place to live if we chose to help one another?

However as the saying goes it is a cruel world in which we live. Some highlighted events below to help you take notice of the importance of living life to the full. Live as long as you can and die when you can not help it.

1 Let us say a prayer for those who perished, left homeless and orphaned caused by cyclone Nargis in Burma; So many needless deaths could have been prevented. The Burmese military government have been accused of failing to act to protect its people. The death toll as we speak 60.000 and rising with 41,000 unaccounted for.

2 Then not so along ago we seen the figures for ourselves where tens of thousands of people died in Iraq since the US-led invasion of March 2003. It is still unclear how many Iraqi lives have been lost in total. More than 4,300 coalition soldiers were killed - 4,000 of them Americans. Health ministry approximates in November 2006 varied from 100,000 to 150,000 dead. This contrasts with a survey of Iraqi households in the Lancet, which suggested the staggering amount of 655,000 Iraqis killed by July 2006. The entire total shows 1.2m people dead.

3 Is it too late for those whose mental health has been affected from drug use over the years
Cannabis is to be reclassified as a class B drug. The home secretary said that because of the "increased strength" of some types, she wanted to reverse Tony Blair`s 2004 downgrading of the drug to class C. She said "uncertainty at the least" on the future impact on young people mental health from cannabis. If this be the case then why this was not proposed many moons ago.

4 What of the price of crude oil going up - in a recent statement it said the price could soar to $200 a barrel in as little as six months, as supply continues to struggle to meet demand,. Oil prices have now risen 25% in the last four months and by 400% from 2001.

5 A consultation is to be launched over whether to relax abortion rules by allowing terminations outside hospital settings in England. It follows a pilot study which found early abortions using pills rather than surgery could be safely carried out in local health centres.

6 Did you ever hear the likes that Josef Fritzl, the Austrian man accused of abusing his imprisoned daughter for 24 years, should not go to jail as he is mentally ill, says his lawyer. This man now stands accused of abusing his granddaughter too. For some one to configure how to dupe society and the law by imprisoning his family for so long is not one of that I would class as mental but one clever to hide his hideous and evil crimes on those he was supposed to love and nurture.

These are just a few to mention of what makes this world one in which we do not "live" but one that we "survive".

Chronic Depression
About Depression

terrorist news update

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The Burden Called Commonwealth Games - Law and Order - Part 5

The Delhi police force is an amazing entity. An average Delhi policeman can surprise the unsuspecting expat with his cavalier attitude in general, and the brutish treatment he is capable of delivering to perceived errant members of our society. He can at once behave like an illiterate goon and then smoothly change to smiles and suave menace next, maybe to extract a bribe!

To complement such an exemplary sample of a police force, we have the hordes of pretty criminals on the streets. Delhi does not have its criminals running amok on the streets like maybe Mumbai. Criminals here lurk in the corners invisible to the naked eye. Only when you give a free run to your suspicions, that you notice the petty criminals teeming around you, like termites eating at way the core of the city.

In this smorgasbord of law and order components is the hapless expat. Some expats come here - already wise in the ways. Others get wise fast, having been thrust into this swirling mass of chaotic laws and the confused implementers of these laws. Most of them however either insulate themselves completely by paying enormous amounts for premium travel and stay, or get completely fleeced as they try to pit their intellect against the termites. And while they get cheated by the local hustler, the police enjoy the fun from a distance, engaging only if called upon! That is because unlike other places on Earth - the police here are always "called" by someone with a need. They have apparently never done any proactive upholding of the law.

So advice for expats coming here during the Commonwealth Games 2010.

  • At first do not trust anyone (and I mean anyone). Except those that you know before or get to interact closely with, treat everyone as a hustler or smooth talker out to get your money fair means or foul.

  • Do not trust the police either. They may be in "their pockets"! Many areas have cartels powerful enough to bend the law to meet their needs

  • Keep phone numbers of embassy officials handy. Have a trusted friend or acquaintance ready, to provide you with tips in dealing with predicaments.

  • Keep important belongings in safe places! Do not keep stuff strewn around you like in a beach party.

  • Move fast in crowded areas and stay alert. Do not follow the "shopkeepers" into their "warehouses" at the back of the building! Be conscious of the circumstances around you at all times.

  • Approach policemen only if absolutely necessary. They can be more a problem than a solution, so be careful about what you say when you approach them.

  • Do not go for the "real cheap" deals. India is full of frauds who pass of extremely low quality goods at prices which are marginally below normal. If the seller is giving a discount in excess of 50% on the MRP, the warning bells should start ringing!

  • Avoid using public transport after ten in the night. At night only trust radio taxis and taxis provided by your hotel or place of accommodation.

There is a whole range of useful advice for the expats coming here during the games. I have outlined some of the prominent ones above. For more information about how to conduct yourself while you are here, seek out a trustworthy person either in the embassy or in the organizing committee.

Web: http://www.rareindianart.com
Blog: http://www.surajitray.com

Surajit Ray is an avid art and handicraft enthusiast. He works with rural and indigenous artists from various parts of India. He likes creating customized art pieces for discerning buyers.

Surajit is also interested in coding in Java and for the Android platform. His main interests are in the realm of machine learning and simulated neural networks. He is a strong supporter of the open source software concept and works with the various open source groups in Delhi, India.

terrorist news update

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Youtubers For Haiti - PLEASE HELP!

Disasters Emergency Committee: www.justgiving.com Doctors Without Borders: www.firstgiving.com Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Appeal: www.redcross.org.uk It would be so amazing if you could donate to these causes, it doesn't matter how much you want to donate as every little really will help :)


terrorist news update

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Long Hair Styles

Long hair styles usually work well with any hair type, be it straight, curly or wavy. However, it looks the best if the locks are medium-textured or thick. So it is better to skip the lengthy look if you have fine hair or a long and narrow face. Of course, the best hair styles of long hair are those that use limited preparation time. The multiple ponytails style is a very popular long hairstyle.

The multiple ponytails style consists of three base ponytails, but it is possible to have more ponytails if interested! Once the basic style of three ponytails is mastered, which normally takes ten minutes, you can improvise on it! If you plan on just having three ponytails, newly washed hair is great; but if you plan to add knots or braids, it’s better to work with hair that is not so soft. The hair has to be brushed to remove knots and tangles. Then all the hair from the top of your crown has to be picked up and separated into three even sections. Some hair from the ears below has to be left loose to flow around your neck. Each ponytail then has to be smoothened into separate mini-ponytails, and secured with either a hair bungee or elastic hair band. Once the basic multi-pony look has been achieved, you could use different braided or knotted styles. You could create multiple ponytails where no hair is left to flow down your back. Another choice is to have all the different ponytails coiled up and pinned on top of the crown to get a beautiful up-do of braids. You could also braid the center of the multi ponytails and leave the side ponytails unbraided. Then you could pin jeweled hairpins at the top of each ponytail, or experiment with different color scrunches to cover the elastic bands.

The variations with long hairstyles are endless. They are limited only by the amount time you invest in experimenting with different hair styles - and by your imagination.

Hair Styles provides detailed information about hair styles, black hair styles, layered hair styles, long hair styles and more. Hair Styles is the sister site of Corset Training.

terrorist news update

วันพุธที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Pilots Lose License For Over Shooting Airport - Politicians Still Working After Going Over Budget

We all remember those Northwest Airlines pilots who overshot their airport while "supposedly" using the aircraft's WiFi to go online and use their laptop in the cockpit. No one knows for sure if this is true, only that the FAA Federal Aviation Administration is investigating and thus, revoked their pilot's licenses for going past the airport that day with a plane load full of passengers.

Well, this episode in aviation history is not really a big one, indeed, if we really cared about those who overshoot, we'd fire all our Congressmen and Senators for going over budget; every year! Consider if you will that our elected representatives tell us that a publicly run insurance system for healthcare for every American will only cost a certain amount of money.

If we take these politicians at face value, what are the odds that those numbers they came up with are accurate? Now mind you, every single government agency ever created has always needed more money, expanded with further taxpayer dollars, and at one time or another have always been over budget; Do you see the point? In other words, it's not possible for politicians to stay on course.

And yet, those pilots that lost their license for overshooting the airport one time, are now out of a job, and they only inconvenience 100 plus passengers on that one airline flight, and only for one additional hour. No one was severely harmed, and no one was really ever in any danger. And yet, our elected representatives are constantly going over budget and affecting 300 million taxpayers, and they do this on a daily basis. Am I missing something here? Please consider this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes we need responsibility both in the air and on the ground; http://www.aircraftwashguys.com

Note: All of Lance Winslow's articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers. Lance Winslow believes those who use these strategies lack integrity and mislead the reader. Indeed, those who use such cheating tools, crutches, and tricks of the trade may even be breaking the law by misleading the consumer and misrepresenting themselves in online marketing, which he finds completely unacceptable.

terrorist news update

วันอังคารที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

RE: Earthquake in Haiti (January 12, 2010)

Please do what you can for the people of Haiti. DONATE: www.redcross.org VIDEO: bit.ly


terrorist news update

วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

10 Million Children Die

Global issues like poverty are extremely complex. There is no simple, clear answer. I've rallied against American Politics, the Political system, the Financial Collapse of the Markets and a myriad of other things but sometimes there comes a time where we, the people, need to turn our attention away from our world and focus on THE World.

This day, TODAY, is one of those times. Let our voices unite and speak volumes about our world, our true world and her children.  It is through raising our voices, united, that we will be heard and the world will be forced to listen.

A few facts and tidbits about 2008:

Poverty and Hunger run rampant in our world while we witnessed a monumental 1.8 TRILLION Dollar single day loss in the Stock market.  Our government has bailed out the banking industry with $700 BILLION Tax Dollars and seeks more while the executives of AIG and their "top sellers" party on the posh. World governments now own portions of the banking industry, effectively Nationalizing the financial system, and taxpayers around the world have allowed their governments to use BILLIONS of dollars, Pounds, Euro's and other currencies to fight a war in the Middle East.

My point?  We still live in a world where almost half of her population, over three billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day and over 26,500 children die each day. Every day. Year round. The killers of our children, the children of our world, are poverty, hunger and easily preventable diseases and illnesses. What will you do today to help prevent this?

Mister, can you spare a dime?  Don't answer with the standard "you can't fix the problem by throwing money at it..." okay, we know that it's complex and the problems have very deep roots. But maybe that dime isn't in hard currency, maybe it's ten cents of your time. A moments worth of you talking to someone else about the problem. What if the whole world was talking about this at exactly the same time? Maybe your ten cents would be worth millions. Take a moment. Talk to someone. You were given a voice for a reason, use it.

Poverty Facts: These are not debate points, not opinions, FACTS. Plain, hard, cold and oh so real facts. When you read my opening and we look at all of the money that we've chased around in less than 2 months the FACT is that we are a wasteful money-centric global society that preys on those with less and forgets those who can not speak with the same volume and intensity that we can. We want our BMW's, Mercedes and our 4,000+ square foot Homes.  We want gratification and satisfaction now and we don't care what it cost. We like to think that what we do does not impact anyone else.  Continue with this approach to our world and we just might end up paying with more than our money. 

26,500 children die each day at an astounding rate of one Child every three seconds, over 10 Million children die each year. One of those children could have been the scientist that cures cancer, saves a nation, makes the impossible possible. One of those children could have been a friend. Each of those children were fellow humans trying to inhabit the planet the we have been given stewardship over. Ask yourself: Am I a good steward for the children. Take a moment. Talk to someone. You were given a voice for a reason, use it. Statistics: At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day.

Worldwide. 2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized while the United States spends 8 BILLION Dollars a year on Cosmetics, blush, lipstick, eyeliner, etc. every year.  European countries and the United States combined spend 12 Billion Dollars a year on Perfumes.   It would take 9 Billion to provide Water and Sanitation for ALL. 

The list goes on. The world; US, Europe, Japan, and the rest spend enough on Perfume  4, Pet Food 4, Cigarettes 4, and Cosmetics 4 to provide Basic Education, Water and Sanitation and Basic health and nutrition to the WORLD and still have 3 BILLION left over. Speak up, speak out! Talk to someone. You have been given a voice for a reason, use it today.

You can help by contacting UNICEF, the International Red Cross Red Crescent, Your local Red Cross Chapter, OXFAM and other global organizations dedicated to eliminating poverty and providing basic human needs to the worlds populations. Play Robin Hood - donate, let your voice be heard.

TL Woodruff


UNICEF - 2000 - 2006 mortality count of 60 Million Children World wide. The term "Children" in the study is defined as age from "Infant to Five years of Life"

For the 95% on $10 a day, see Martin Ravallion, Shaohua Chen and Prem Sangraula, Dollar a day revisited, World Bank, May 2008.


Consumerism, Volunteer Now!

terrorist news update