วันอังคารที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Is Life Fair?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

"Life isn't fair. Get used to it." Bill Gates

I shared this quote the other day on Twitter, noting that it seemed a bit cynical to me. I immediately received an RT from someone who didn't think it was cynical - it was the truth. Life isn't fair. More people agreed - and frankly, I was shocked.

I kinda pushed back and one person responded using the earthquake in Haiti as an example that life is not fair - and how could anyone think it was?

I think life is fair.

Before you jump to the assumption I've never had anything bad happen to me so of course life's fair - think again. I've had more than my share of ugliness - sickness, death, betrayal and just plain horrible stuff. But I still think life is fair in the balance of all things.

But then, it does depend on how you define 'fair', now doesn't it?

* If 'fair' means that everyone gets exactly what they want all the time - then the world probably isn't fair.
* Or is 'fair' getting what you want part of the time -with a few tough times thrown in as reasonable balance?
* Does fair apply as a balance across the populace or is it just about our own personal experience of fairness?
* What if something you think is fair is actually perceived as unfair by someone else? What's fair then?

So when is life 'fair'?

Life surely seemed fair when we were on a roll.

Think about life during the boom years. Money was flowing, everyone was enjoying the BIG upside and life was viewed as fair by most. In the Silicon Valley life was REALLY fair. We bought houses using options that wouldn't vest for six or more years. We knew life was fair and we'd be rewarded like everyone else in the valley. (I'd like to note: that popular home buying trend wasn't exactly a secure or sensible way to take on big debt.)

Today, life isn't viewed as fair in the Valley. Those homes are going into foreclosure, the big dollar salaries for folks with minimal experience have vanished. You can hear the protests all around that life just isn't fair!

I'm not saying that times right now are not tough for a lot of folks. I know they are. But - is that 'unfair' or simply a balance to the over the top 'fairness' we enjoyed five years ago?

What about Human responsibility for fairness?

I also believe that acts of Humanity influence our collective energy - and the fairness of our lives. Wall Street was a great example of that. Those leaders did things that were beyond unfair - and their actions brought a wide spread, and unfair, impact to our economy. Does that mean life isn't fair? Seems to me a select few brought that unfairness on all of us.

Tomorrow I'll share my own personal beliefs about fairness - and our power to create our lives.

In the meantime, what do you think about life and fairness? I want to know - because I only have my own answer - and I'd love to hear yours!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

More Trouble For President Obama

Image : http://www.flickr.com

One week after the devastating geological earthquake in Haiti, a political earthquake shook the United States. On January 19, 2010, in a special election, Massachusetts voters elected Republican Senator Scott Brown to replace the late Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy. Nicknamed the "Lion of the Senate," Senator Kennedy had served continuously from 1972 until his death in 2009. Moreover, Kennedy had been preceded by a Democratic senator for several years prior to his own record-long reign.

The political significance of this event cannot be underestimated, for many reasons. This marks the first time in more than 40 years that Massachusetts has elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate. The Bay State is a reliably Democratic domain that, less than one and a half years ago, helped carry President Barack Obama to the White House with 68 percent of the vote. So why didn't the state's voters act predictably and follow tradition by choosing Democratic senatorial candidate Martha Coakley to succeed Kennedy?

The answer is that the people of Massachusetts didn't like what Mrs. Coakley stood for, and what she represented. She stood for forcing all health care professionals in the state, including Catholics, to perform and participate in abortions even if they object to doing so for conscience reasons. Such a draconian position--which is in flagrant violation of the laws of God and nature, and indeed of our Constitution and Bill of Rights--was unacceptable even by the liberal standards of the Massachusetts electorate. Mrs. Coakley also stood for President Obama's healthcare reform plan, which has no conscience protections for pro-life medical professionals and would tax individuals who do not have "acceptable" health care coverage as defined by the government. Among Massachusetts voters, even many Democrats could not tolerate such measures.

Finally, as a Democrat, Mrs. Coakley represented the currently reigning political party in Washington, D.C, which is rapidly becoming a symbol of incompetent, immoral and corrupt government. And this is where the broader implications of this astounding upset come into play. If Democrats in the Bay State have grown frustrated enough with their party's performance in the federal government to blow their top and elect a Republican, then we can be sure that American citizens in general are even more frustrated with their elected representatives. Thus, Mrs. Coakley's loss to Senator Brown, together with the recent election of Republican governors in New Jersey and Virginia, represent a clear vote of no confidence in the Obama administration.

It should be noted that Massachusetts' new Republican Senator Scott Brown is not actually pro-life. Nonetheless, his election is still to be celebrated, because he represents the lesser of two evils in a very important respect. Martha Coakley supports the Democratic healthcare legislation in the Senate, especially the abortion provisions; Senator Brown, despite his support of abortion, opposes the Democratic healthcare legislation. Thus his victory also represents an important strategic victory for the pro-life movement in the United States.

Another significant thing is that as a result of this special election, the Democratic Party no longer constitutes a supermajority of the United States Senate. With 60 senators, Democrats could invoke the cloture rule to end debate and force a vote on any measure they wished, including a healthcare reform bill, and could also easily pass it. Now, with only 59 seats and not a single Republican senator in favor of the pending healthcare bill, that bill may never come to a vote, much less be passed, by the Senate. The door has now been opened for Republican senators to continue the Senate healthcare debate and challenge their Democratic colleagues regarding the contents of the healthcare bills. This is very good news for the American people, who have registered their intense dissatisfaction with the prevailing Democratic health care bills in opinion polls and to their elected representatives in the preceding months.

There are many reasons for the landslide opposition of the American people to Democratic healthcare reform. One is its gigantic $2 trillion price tag, which comes at a time when our national debt is already $13 trillion and most Americans are hurting financially due to the effects of a Great Recession. They do not trust the smooth promises of their Democratic politicians that the healthcare reform bills currently on the table will make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans. They realize that, far from increasing the healthcare options available to them and bringing down healthcare costs, the new system will create a giant new government bureaucracy, funded by unprecedented income tax hikes, devoted to its subjects' healthcare a la Communist Russia, requiring the participation of all American citizens under penalty of yet more taxes. The image of Democrats as "tax-and spenders" has reared its ugly head to a whole new level at a time when average Americans are already crushed by their income tax burdens. If the economy is to recover, Americans must have money to spend, and they will not have such money if it is annually depleted by excessive taxes.

However, in addition to these financial and economic reasons, Americans have a potent moral reason for opposing Democratic healthcare reform: It would force doctors and nurses everywhere in the United States to perform and participate in abortions. This same week, hundreds of thousands of Americans peacefully demonstrated for protection of the right to life of the innocent unborn. In Washington, D.C., 300,000 American citizens, half of whom were under the age of 25, participated in the 37th Annual March for Life, which became the longest march in American history. Americans have made clear their opposition to the radically anti-life agenda of the Obama administration, which this administration has attempted to bury in the healthcare bills. This agenda was previously enshrined in FOCA, which President Obama had promised Planned Parenthood to sign upon becoming president. But FOCA failed, and now the administration's Plan B--abortion coverage through healthcare reform--is collapsing.

In the words of President Obama himself during a visit to Ohio on January 22, his "agenda seems to be running into a buzz-saw." We had much to rejoice about in this week of political shakeup for the Obama administration. However, amid the celebration of the moment we must be careful to remain vigilant. As Republican Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan's 11th district cautiously observed on The World Over Live with Raymond Arroyo on January 22, "I'm not going to brag about having forty-one seats when the other side has fifty-nine." We still have our work cut out for us in the pro-life movement. Therefore, we must continue to work to build a culture of life and especially offer prayers and sacrifices for full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life.

terrorist news update

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Check Out Haiti Earthquake Tragedy 2010 - A Chronicle of the Devastation and American Relief Efforts, Destruction of Port au Prince, Operation Unified Response (Ringbound Book and CD-ROM Set) for $35.00


Best Price :$35.00

Offer Price : $35.00

Availability : Usually ships in 24 hours

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Haiti Earthquake (Response to Molly the hot girl)

Jen Cheng reports on the recent earthquake in Haiti. LOL FUNNY WHOA ROFL her video sucks "a lot" !!! My video is better than hers.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Haiti Earthquake disaster relief video tribute


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

History of Soccer and Politics

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The auction for the third edition of the Indian Premier League began and ended on 19th January in Mumbai, India. At the start of the auction, there was anticipation, excitement, and restlessness about the highest bids and the most popular players. At the end of the auction, the one fact that escaped no one's attention was that not even a single player from Pakistan had been bid for.

Politics had one again influenced sport. Despite claims to the contrary, it was obvious to all that the Pakistani players had been snubbed as a result of increasing strained diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan. Cricket is not the only sport to be affected by the interdependence of politics and sport. Soccer is another sport that has seen innumerable examples of politics intertwining with sport.

The complicated relationship between the French and the Algerians is one example where the sport has been responsible in equal measure for instigating diplomatic tension between the two nations and also having a uniting influence. When the Algerian team secretly recruited French-based Algerian players into the national team in 1958, it led to diplomatic tension between the two nations but also led to international recognition of the Algerian struggle for independence. More recently, French soccer has consistently included multicultural recruits in its teams, but the political motivations of its players have led to controversy.

A case in point is Zinedine Zidane. A French-born player of Algerian descent who stepped into the international spotlight while playing for the French national team, his contribution to France's first world cup championship in 1998 led to such lofty but nevertheless ideas as "two flags, reconciled". The IPL incident is not the first incident of politics influencing sport, and neither will it be the last.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Earthquake in Chile - A Warning For Humans Perhaps?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

In spite of the fact that the earthquake only lasted for a few minutes, for the people of Constitucion, it felt like it was an eternity. The earthquake in Chile that happened on February 27, 2010, was indeed one of the worst in the history of the world. Hundreds of people wept as they lost their loved ones, as well as their possessions and their houses. To make matters worse, a tsunami also attacked the coastal town and caused even more damage to the people and their homes.

This has been the worst earthquake since 1900, earning an 8.8 magnitude. The most powerful quake recorded also happened in Chile in 1960. It was reported to have a powerful 9.5 magnitude and had taken the lives of more than 1,600 Chileans in the southern part of the country. Both natural calamities have cause millions (perhaps even billions of dollars) worth of infrastructure damage as well as great numbers of people homeless.

Going back, the recent earthquake had not only affected the said area but also the entire world. After the incident, reports of tsunamis possibly attacking in various parts of the world have been released by the media. This caused great panic among civilians, especially those who live in coastal regions. Some experts claim that this is only a preview of what's to come. In the past few years, the number of calamities have increased and have actually become more powerful and deadly, as well.

This just goes to show that the earth is more active than before. It is inevitable that more earthquakes and tsunamis shall appear in the near future. This very truth might be a bit frightening for it is because of human action that nature has been taken off balance-man's quest for modernization has damaged the environment. Nonetheless, if it took the doings of people to cause the earthquake in Chile, Haiti and other locations of the world, it shall also take the same thing to try to lessen the appearances of natural calamities.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Helping preschoolers Be Compassionate

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Are you a parent or a teacher of preschool children? If yes, do you plan to educate? In addition to receiving a good education and learning the "birds and the" bees, and learn right from wrong, are other things to teach. One of them is compassion. By reading this article you will learn teach compassion to your children in preschool.

You must teach them the goodness of the display. You must learn to treat others with respect and not say rude or inconsiderate tono. It 'must teach your children under school age, not to degrade or humiliate other children. We must let them know that is not good to make fun of others, laugh at them or call them names. Children must learn not to hate anyone. Let them know that if it is ok to not like and disagree with others, they must refrain from any hatred because hatred can eat inside you and lead you to commit acts of violence.

You must teach your preschoolers the value of forgiveness. Since pardonspart of being compassionate. It also helps your emotional wounds inflicted by the grace was and helps prevent ill. It 'important to teach them to respect differences in others'. Part of compassion is refusing to avoid others or to keep negative feelings just because they have their faith differently from yours.

Similarly, the pre-school children need to learn other cultures, socialize, its goals are more. Tell them that we allPeople with feelings and values. We must teach them to share. Let them know that they feel better and make others happy with their items.

Infants must learn to those who are less fortunate than their help. These activities include volunteering, donating money to the needy, and raise donations in times of crisis like the recent devastating earthquake in Haiti.

There is great value in friendship with other children who are alone. This is afantastic opportunity to make a difference to a child and build character by helping someone else feel worthy. Children must learn to help other children at school. Encourage children with other tutors.

Do you have ideas to use for your preschool children can learn to learn to have compassion. Build on what they learned in order to make life better for your preschool children and other people!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Communication Facilities For Disaster Management

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The devastating earthquake which struck in Haiti on January 12th 2010 merely 10 miles from the capital city of Port-au-Prince created a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions affecting more than 20 per cent of Haiti's 9 million residents.

Governments worldwide immediately offered their support. The United States and China sent planes full of supplies with other countries and millions of individuals joining to pledge their support and donations during this humanitarian disaster.

Disasters in the form of natural catastrophe, such as earthquakes or hurricanes, or terrorist attacks and accidents can occur at any time and the usual modes of communication might be lost or cease to work in such a crisis. These disasters have a devastating impact on human life, economy and environment.

The response phase following any disaster involves the immediate mobilization of the necessary emergency services and first responders in the disaster area. This is likely to include a first wave of core emergency services, such as the fire service, police, military and ambulance crews who may have their own existing local or tactical form of communications systems and networks. However, effective communication and coordination between these different factions, other aid workers and volunteers is imperative for an effective and comprehensive disaster management system.

Further to this, in such adverse conditions, it is also key that any first response and emergency teams are well trained, self reliant and equipped with the best and most reliable communication tools and hardware. It is almost impossible for a team to plan fully in advance as they may have no way of knowing where exactly they will be going and indeed what existing systems may still be working in the affected region.

There is a necessity to communicate the true scope and scale of the disaster to the outside world. Without the latest forms of communication technology these often desolate, far flung regions would be entirely isolated. Governments and individuals worldwide would be unaware of the severity of any such disaster and unable to muster the huge support and aid relief that reliable, instantaneous and ongoing communication technology can now provide.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Save more for Haiti Earthquake Today


Best Price :$18.00

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Availability : Usually ships in 10 days

วันอังคารที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Great Price for $9.95 Today


Best Price :$9.95

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Availability : Available for download now

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Managing Staff Morale - What Managers Ignore

Image : http://www.flickr.com

I have been following an interesting debate over assessing motivation of employees, taking place on a social networking forum. These days almost all employers use some form of motivational assessment tools, psychometric tests, etc., to assess how a potential employee or manager's primary motivation for seeking a job fits into the organisation's values, culture and mission. However, even after rigourous processes of selection to calibrate the motivation of a new recruit, it is not uncommon to find recruiting managers complaining they don't know there they went wrong. Or even the new recruit complaining that he/she does not think that they can work long in the organisation.

I have recently spent about two weeks with some highly motivated aid workers in Haiti who are doing their work to help the people affected by the earthquake earlier this year. Having met over a hundred of them, their commitment, mission and motivation to simply help the people left me amazed. These are a bunch of people who aren't motivated by money or comfort or name and fame. External stimuli are less important to them than what they feel internally - their own sense of achievement, of being of service to people less fortunate than them. And they were working for some of the most amazing organisations on this planet whose record of service to humanity have been unparalleled.

It therefore surprises me to find that even when an individual's, motivation and values were fully aligned to an organisation's, after a while, many of the same staff and managers feeling that this wasn't what they initially started with - the highly motivated individual or the-my-type-of-organisation thinking.

The problem is that during recruitments, both the candidates and recruiters, are looking at what motivate the individual. All the assessment tools and tests are geared towards that. The tools work at the level of conscious choices or patterns we follow. But human minds also work at sub-conscious levels, which sometimes some of us don't even dig into. Consciously, I may be fully open to receive feedback, positive or negative, from my manager, and subconsciously I feel demotivated when I receive negative feedback from my manager in a certain way. The selection tools put lot of emphasis on what motivates us, but not enough to understand - for both the new staff and the recruiters - what factors could demotivate (i.e., what motivates one 'away from' something) an individual. When recruiting, managers look at individual patterns of motivation, but when dealing with factors that demotivate, the same manager then falls back on organisational (generic, common) approaches to dealing with the individuals - salaries, best practices etc. Managers/organisations simply do not know how to handle individual differences in what keeps one from being demotivated.

terrorist news update

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Midway Airport Parking - Chicago MDW Lots When Flying

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Parking at any airport can feel like a gamble. When you're leaving to catch your flight you wonder if the lots will be full, when you return you wonder if your car and belongings will still be there. Is there a way to park in airport parking without all of the stress and worry?  Midway airport parking for example has almost everything you could ever ask for. They offer many customer service amenities and allow for any traveler to park and fly with peace of mind. There are also places nearby the terminals off-site to park. It is also know as MDW when you need the symbol online for booking a flight or rental car. Remember, that this is not O'Hare Airport which also services the Chicago area. Be sure you know the airport you want.

Some of the services offered include an online pre-booking service where you can log on and guarantee a spot with a simple click of the mouse. Midway airport parking also offers the traditional, yet essential airport services such as luggage assistance, affordable short-term and long-term parking, secured lots with 24 hour surveillance, discounted rates, free shuttle services and even the option to leave your keys and be picked up and driven to your vehicle upon arrival.

Midway airport parking also offers what they call the Frequent Parker program, where anyone who makes use of the lots on a regular basis can collect points toward their future visits. And unlike other point systems you don't need to collect hundreds of points before reaping the rewards. With Midway's program you only need to collect ten points before receiving a complete day of parking absolutely free. They also allow you to "bank" your points and use them in to park for several days without paying a single penny.

If you wish to park near the airport instead at a private off airport parking lot that will shuttle you to the terminal, a few available are Airways Parking on West 55th Street and Midway Park Saver on West 49th Street. Remember to not show valuables at all in your car whether you are parking off-site at a service or at the actual airport itself.

terrorist news update

วันพุธที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Haiti Response Update

Tracy Reines, Director of the International Response Operations Center at the American Red Cross, discusses the latest for the response to the earthquake in Haiti as of 8 PM EST on Wednesday night. For more information on how you can help visit www.redcross.org

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