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There are many large organizations in the world, whose hard work and dedication is a constant reminder of the need for global cooperation, support and unity. tragedies of the past such as slavery, colonialism, world wars and genocides of the modern world, which overcomes these evils, the barrier and hits the heart of our common humanity revealed.
In the same breath, the global response to natural disasters like the tsunami of 2004, the 2005 hurricane in New Orleans, andthe outpouring of support for the victims of 12 earthquake shook the island of Haiti in 2010 is also an example of care and solidarity that can be there in January and our world.
If there are voices of support, each of which belongs to the whole world was in solidarity with the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and one in November 2006 bombings in India, it adds significantly to see the end of a comprehensive and coordinated effort to protect and defendoppressed peoples around the world.
On the other hand, a closer look at the failures of intelligence and political motivations, the invasion of Iraq in 2003 led to the striking differences diplomatic priorities of the United Nations, the persistence of democracy in oil-rich countries and the nature of overzealous of religious missionaries in the developing world, while we know that for all the good international organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, can provideThere is also a large room for overbearing and intrusive behavior.
Two cases, the intentions of showcasing the potential value of initial starting hole is the global response to the decision of the Government of Uganda to Bill 13 propose an anti-homosexuality in October 2009 and shameful comments by U.S. televangelist Pat Robertson, the results attributed to the earthquake tragedy in Haiti as a pact with the devil by the people of Haiti.
Although it is much easierto criticize Pat Robertson, it seems strange to see have done much to blame for the efforts of international rights organizations, religious and human in condemning the bill Uganda, but it was a memory more rigorous enforcement of foreign values and perceptions of a group of people. Pat Robertson's comments are best colonialist, and the convictions of the law of Uganda, with the offspring of an expansionist world view clouded.
To better understand the source of these allegations, weDemocracy and Christianity have regard to the subjects in which they develop, and the similarities with the questions that are similar, which must be taken to be detrimental.
South African Bishop Desmond Tutu once said: "When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land, he said." Please. "We closed our eyes. When we had opened the Bible and they had the land."
Christianity and slavery are unfortunately for the wrong reasons, whileMission and colonization are always linked together. Even if 40% of the African population is Christian, many still practice it as a relic of the colonial era and simply integrate the indigenous belief systems on the side. It is not uncommon to see an African church on Sunday, he still puts his trust in the traditional spiritual leader for the important things. While there are many committed Christians in Africa, with each generation, so goes Christianityis a cultural element to a foreign culture introduced just as the work, and not necessarily in line with social realities.
Africans understand more about how to try to Christianity on his way to Africa, most will embrace their authenticity for what it really is, or will be used as an instrument of colonial invaders on the continent refuse to submit. From Christianity to the political and economic measures that today Africa has learned from Western models and points of viewProposals with considerable suspicion, at a point where humanitarian assistance is perceived as a covert effort to exploit.
If the CV is that Christianity has played in Africa, and the relationship with those who professed it was the view, is the growing dissatisfaction with Western democratic principles basic course. After almost 50 years after the pills prescribed for the West to solve its problems, Africa is finally realizing that Western solutions are not one-sizeFor all models, a trend that the growth of trade with China has helped.
21. Century, Africa is embracing the idea that the success and growth to be homemade, and it becomes increasingly suspicious of trends, recalls the colonial era practices.
In terms of religion, Islam is certainly in the same boat as Christianity, should go beyond religions, but Christianity, which has seen a wave of change in combined forms of worship, that the traditionalindigenous African beliefs with Christian dogma. Find your fate is probably the effort of Century 21 African countries and Africans have to fake their way. It is not surprising, but quite revealing that Barack Obama might find a quote in his first visit to Africa, in Accra, Ghana. Obama said, "every nation gives life to democracy in their own way and in accordance with their traditions."
Obama added that "America does not seek to impose a system ofGovernment in any other nation - the essential truth of democracy is that every nation determines its own destiny. "
If we look at the situation and to understand these new trends, it is easier to understand why the comment by Pat Robertson, not content to be completely naked of historical accuracy, just insensitive, inappropriate and loaded with inflated self-washed colonial justice.
Especially for the mistakes of a nation that only victims of a major natural disaster were attributePause concern for Mr. Robertson to the reason and contact with reality. Second, to simply declare that an entire nation based in the grip of the devil in this tragedy is to say immediately that it was New Orleans victims of Hurricane Katrina, because the people of this great city of evil committed in the carnival. Third, suppose that after having suffered the atrocities of slavery, the Haitian people had their freedom to hell is almost insulting, not only the courage andCourage of the Haitian, but also generations of brave men and women of all races who have taken a stand against racism and slavery.
The disappointment and humiliation of Pat Robertson's observations apply only consolation in the belief that he said something, probably only because the devil is to reveal him. Finally, the comments have the courage to desire a prayer for the people of Haiti continues to be a disgrace to the Christians around the world. Pat Robertson's comments wereif not, that Osama bin Laden accused the United States are in cohort with the devil. How different is Mr. Robertson's conclusions are different discount infamous Rev. Wright on the origin of the attack 9 / 11?
The biggest revelation in Pat Robertson's comments, the existence of the remaining self-appointed opinion who knows the truth and the truth is no different from the missionaries of the colonial era, which are in themselves sacred mission to convert the native Africans,"I do not know God." Like them, Pat Robertson falsely implies that France must have the freedom from the colonial part of God, the devil, so that Haiti had to call.
This kind of hypocrisy and nonsense, are the ultimate reason why Christianity and democracy have such a bad perception in Africa; automatically western religion, politics, society and culture gets a bad reputation. E ', together with the negative views that homosexuality is seen asthe former "white" evil you feel, Africa will fall, just like Christianity and the West's democracy.
Sex is very taboo in Africa, and even if many things change, there are great social and cultural dynamics, gender roles, values and interactions strengthened. The rest of the Christian and Islamic influences, combined with already widespread patriarchal structure leaves little room to embrace homosexuality. According to the draft law of Uganda, manymemories against, especially in the West, created to make meetings and events to punish homophobic African societies.
On the other side of the battle, many in Africa, homosexuality seen as another cultural import from the West, such as the synchronization non-African. The problem is that homosexuality is un-African, anti-American is, like polygamy or murder is typically European. Homosexuality, like polygamy or murder is an act, a choice for a lifestyle characterized by aparticular sexual preference. Attributed to a specific culture or place, ignoring the impulse to influence human nature. Homosexuality in any country, culture or society to find, just as heterosexual behavior.
Homosexuality is not like racism is the simple fact that is not what we describe as a race can be covered. Until proved otherwise, I am not a person of African decent in a room and leave as one of Asia decent, while an individual must be gayreveal his sexual preference to be labeled as such.
That said, if it is imported from the west, a group of people persecuted for their lifestyle than they otherwise persecuted for their religious beliefs. It's no different that the Inquisition, and simply wrong, in addition, even if homosexuality differently racism, discrimination is the same everywhere. Depriving an individual, certain rights are based on information revealed to distinguish thatis the ground or other group simply wrong.
Violent hunt, witch and discrimination against homosexuals is definitely wrong, no matter where it happens, but the adoption of laws that do not prefer not their lifestyle. There is a point where the line is drawn, and where all groups are set up to defend gay rights, have their limitations understood. Human Rights Watch, gay and self-help groups need to understand that, especially in politics, as when aWhere you are in his area in the diplomatic arena, and another in which national sovereignty is violated. In the case of homosexuality, is the sphere of social sphere.
Homosexuality is a social problem, it is involved will be treated as the prerogative of the company. Jonathan Zimmerman wrote on Projo.com "... if you are upset by the new proposal Uganda, like me, do not blame the West for them. Blame Ugandans. And 'their country, their society, their mother. And theirGuilt. blend well ahead of countries such as near Malawi, where a gay couple tried in prison, was thrown "Some are related to South Africa, he added." "
The only problems with the comments, the term "disorder" and "The Way Forward." Once again we see the African perception that if a company fails to comply with the canon of Western values, it is wrong immediately to the rear or something. America is to blame for the legislation, the animals when so many children can not be turned off to protectthe road? America is back again to find that the practice of capital punishment?
The understanding of the boundaries between social issues and human rights is an issue that many Westerners to understand because they are too often a perception that can not be blind to the example for the rest of the world.
The reality is that a hug on a contained Africa handle on homosexuality, we need to look at African societies before and after colonization. Wesocial values, morality and family structure, its vision of building a community, gender dynamics and reproductive responsibilities include understanding.
Despite the various statements of a global community, we must not forget that the laws are different in countries. Some still defend the death penalty, while others dislike it. Some, other democracies are theocracies. Some prohibition of alcohol, if you thrive on their other activities, many criminalize prostitution, moreIt regulates.
At the end of the day when it comes to social issues, which is in operation, as the company itself, its institutions, its future prospects. Every country in the world compete for their survival, and to do this, all the social rules that govern how to live together, developing ways to promote the bonds will be, and practices that ensure the survival of future generations. If at any time, a country that looks that homosexuality is a threat to these objectives,has the right and responsibility to adopt measures to discourage or reduce significantly, is to issue the threat. It is in this line of thought that the benefits of marriage are well founded, polygamy is tolerated, arranged marriage is established and expanded over the family beneficiaries.
Democracy is not an executable product, as well as cultural values are not and can not be imposed. Of course, as the world grows closer, the differences are expected to observe and consider, but weWe must remember that when our human nature pushes us to fight injustice and evil wherever it strikes, we do not have to bring the enthusiasm to a point where we cross our borders.
Throughout Africa, governments make laws against homosexuality, and 38 of the 53 countries have criminalized homosexual relationship. Human Rights Watch says it is a method of "political manipulation". This may be true, but the sadness is that it is an effective policy tool, because if the populationThey believe that their social values are invaded by a foreign element, tend to be behind those who swear to protect these values rally. The same was seen in the U.S. since 9 / 11.
Support from all over the world, along with gays and lesbians, there are groups that fight against polygamy and arranged marriages, while some fight fight fight a informed, too many simple principles that their values are better, should be exported. American missionaries in all wanderthe globe, but a madrasa in the United States is considered the greatest suspicion.
Over the past two decades, almost all African countries is banned or homosexual activity. Sex is still taboo in Africa, strip clubs often, and this is not the cause of backwardness or imperfection, is simply due to the nature of culture, values and norms of their society. If things must change, leave at a rate of society accepts the circumstances are points of viewpositive.
Violence and discrimination against homosexuals is wrong, but they are also the circumstances in which it can be seen in the developing world. Every year Africa loses the brains and talent, because their homes do not provide an environment where they can flourish, no one seems to complain against him, if necessary, for the benefit of many. Similarly, homosexuals in Africa must understand the social context of their design. If gay groups in America it seems, can helpGreen Card option is always available.
Obama said in Ghana, which was Africa's future in the hands of Africans, so it is up to Africans, what kind of future they want and what kind of society. Too often, Africa has been subject to external influences from Christianity, democracy of the economy. Now, with the same lines, homosexuality in Africa has crawled back above an imperfect society living in the past. Socially, Africa is not at faultor does not look back, it has its own culture, their values and their standards. It did not help to prevent settlers of the devil, so that does not need the help of use to treat its gay gay community. While we all do not agree with the methods, we must allow Africa to learn and grow, if we see changes in society. They have happened in the past will happen again.
What you need to stop for right-thinking conservative missionary to their custom viewChristianity as a tool designed to spread around the world, the G8 leaders must recognize that their democratic model is far from perfect and still growing before exporting to invest themselves in the mission. Finally, support groups for gay and Human Rights Watch to learn not to cross their borders and accept the fact that if their company can keep gay marriages, does not mean that every nation on earth is not.
Once these missionaries wrong, politiciansand the so-called human rights organizations to stop this final, and their hypocrisy, they will be able to their colleagues who are committed to good works, to educate, teach and build your home in places in need. True diplomats can help and encourage nations to remove corrupt leaders and practices, and human rights focus group can keep an eye on the essentials, but still make room for other companies to choose the appropriate time by a law of human consciousness.
There aremany large organizations in the world, whose dedication and hard work is a constant reminder of the need for global cooperation, support and unity. 'S time to let them do what they do best.
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